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Why prepare yourself ?

Climate change has become a reality in the Upper Rhine region: In the last 100 years the temperature has risen by about 1.5° C – more than the Central European and global average! In addition to that, the occurence of heat waves, droughts, torrential rain, floods and hailstorms continue to increase and become more intense.

The consequences of climate change affect all companies, albeit to varying degrees. In some sectors, such as agriculture, forestry and winter tourism, the consequences of climate change are obvious and adaptation strategies are being discussed and already implemented.

In other sectors, many people are not yet aware of the extent to which they are affected. This is where the Clim’Ability Design project comes in, clarifies the situation and develops solutions together. Only those who deal with the future in good time are well prepared.

An intensive examination of the concrete consequences of climate change in the Upper Rhine region forms the basis for a promising adaptation strategy for your company.

Climate change poses various risks, but it may also open up new opportunities. It is important to recognize and take advantage of these opportunities at an early stage, and the Clim’Ability Design project is here to help the businesses to successfuly face these situations.

Dernières actualités


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[Cycle de webinaires ] Biodiversité, une richesse : engagez votre entreprise pour la nature
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Steering Committee
Plenary Meeting - Digital Meeting via Zoom
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Salon Industries du Futur Be 4.0 - Annulé
Conférence "Eaux plurielles ?" | Expo Géo-logiques
13ème Forum d'Information Risques Majeurs IRISES


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