Clim'Ability Design colloquium:
Upper Rhine enterprises share their experiences in climate change adaptation
On February 9, 2023, the Interreg Clim’Ability Design project brought to a close its accompaniment of Upper Rhine companies in their search for solutions to the climate crisis, at a colloquium organized in partnership with the Esprit d’Entreprendre Chair of INSA Strasbourg, during which companies shared their experiences in climate change adaptation.
In front of a packed audience, the symposium celebrating the closing of the Interreg Clim’Ability Design project took place on February 9, 2023 at INSA Strasbourg.
For three and a half years, the Clim’Ability Design project has been supporting companies in the Upper Rhine region in their search for solutions and strategies for adaptation to the climate crisis.
Françoise Schaetzel, vice-president of operational urban planning for the EMS and president of ADEUS, was honored to attend the event, replacing Anne-Marie Jean, vice-president of economic affairs and president of the Port of Strasbourg, who was unable to attend. Mrs. Schaetzel expressed her full support for this type of initiative, which bears witness to our collective responsibility towards younger and future generations.
On the occasion of this symposium, the companies BTP Consultants, Biofa, Heager & Schmidt Logistics and Green Phoenix shared their experiences in the ecology field. They recounted events associated with climate change that have influenced their practices and/or markets, and showed how constraints such as climate impacts, legislation, prices, etc. can act as triggers and vectors for innovation in their companies.