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Kick Off Company Network

Kick Off Landau

On 15 February 2024, an event marking the kick-off of the Clim’ Ability Care business network took place at RPTU Landau in Germany. This meeting brought together Clim’ Ability Care’s partners and several representatives of Upper Rhine companies.

The first part was devoted to lectures on the following subjects: 

  • From adapting companies to climate change in the Upper Rhine to taking care into account in human affairs, by Prof. Dr. Florence RUDOLF from INSA Strasbourg
  • Climate criticality : consequences and prospects for action in the context of the Clim’Ability Care project-Adaptation, communication, governance, preparation and appropriation-, by Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Glaser from the University of Freiburg.
  • Entrepreneurial culture and care, by Dr. David Oget from INSA Strasbourg (with the participation of the Chaire Esprit d’Entreprendre).

This was followed by a round table discussion on climate risk management strategies for businesses in the trinational Upper Rhine Metropolitan Region, with the participation of :

And in the afternoon, an internal workshop for Clim’ Ability Care partners was held, with the aim of exchanging views on the culture of entrepreneurship and care.

To immerse yourself in this intense day of exchanges, click on the video link below :

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