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Upcoming visit to the Murgtal pilot site

The visit to the Clim’Ability Care pilot site Murgtal will take place on 07.06.2024.

The district of Rastatt is an associated partner in the INTERREG Clim’Ability Care transnational research project. During the excursion, the pilot area will be presented and some of the topics will be illustrated on site. Key partners and their tasks will also be presented.

The programme includes introductory presentations at the Rastatt District Office, tours on foot through Rastatt and along the Murg river as well as a shared coach trip to Gernsbach, the Schwarzenbach dam, Lake Mummel and the Lothar Trail.

The next internal meeting of the Clim’Ability Care partners will take place in the morning of 8 June 2024 at the Bildungshaus St. Bernhard in Rastatt.


Contact organisation:
Sarah Gruner, Physical Geography – University of Freiburg

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