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Best wishes for 2021, to the team Clim’Ability Design

This year, I address this message of good wishes for 2021 to all of you, the partners of the Clim’Ability Design project.

At the beginning of 2021 I wish you and all your loved ones all the best. Best wishes for joy, peace, professional and personal success and, above all, health.

 The past year has undoubtedly been both a personally and professionally challenging one for all of us, and has required us all to make a great effort to adapt and review our professional practices. It was a year in which the importance of scientific work and its sharing was brought to the attention and reaffirmed as having extreme social importance.

So, I wish to start this new year by congratulating all the members of the Clim’Ability Design team, who managed to do an excellent job despite all the obstacles. The year of 2021 will probably still be a year of adaptation to the evolution of the pandemic, so we must continue to adapt and evolve to do our best. I hope that each of you will start the new year in good shape and with energy and determination.

While hoping to see each other again in the near future, I wish you a good return to work, whether you are distance working or doing it in person. Once again, wishing you and yours a safe, healthy, and prosperous new year!





Dernières actualités


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