Paul Averbeck, Florence Rudolf, Julie Gobert, "Natürlich natürlich ?! Wie natürlich sollten die Wälder der Biosphäre Reservat Pfälzerwald-Vosges du Nord in Zeiten des Klimawandels sein", in Aurélie Choné et Philippe Hamman (dir., hg.), Humanités environnementales en France et en Allemagne : Circulations et renouvellement des savoirs sur la forêt, le jardin et le végétal / Environmental Humanities in Frankreich und Deutschland: Wälder, Gärten, Pflanzen: Wissenstransfer und Wissenserneuerung, Peter Lang, Collection / Reihe : Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Umwelt / Studies in Literature, Culture, and the Environment, edited by Gabriele Dürbeck, Hannes Bergthaller, Robert S. Emmett, Serenella Iovino and Ulrike, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, New York, 2021
In this article we examine the understanding of naturalness in the doctrines of the “forest actors” and how this understanding influences the working practices of the respective actors in the context of climate change. Methodologically, this article is based on qualitative interviews with private and public forest owners, with foresters, scientists and administrative actors in France and Germany. This allows to clarify the importance of naturalness in forest management doctrines and practices in Germany and France. In addition, we show how the different actors’ understandings of naturalness influence the forest management. The analysis of the interviews shows that a number of recurring issues highlight the challenges faced by the different forest actors. The analysis itself endeavours to show how the understanding of naturalness affects these various key issues such as the choice of tree species, the management of forest pests and the question of the nature conservation approach.