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Feedback on the Industrial Night at Basel

The Clim’Ability Design research project was present in Basel, on the occasion of the Industry Night, on September 16, 2022 from 5pm to midnight!

The Industry Night is an event organized by the city of Basel during which many industrial companies of the Basel area will open their doors to the public in order to show the diversity of the local economic world and promote mutual understanding.

The Clim’ Ability Design team was present at the KLYBECK site in the premises of an old disused factory, which was very well attended by over 600 visitors. The team, consisting of different project partners, jointly developed a wide range of activities:

An eye-catcher was the balloon flight over the Upper Rhine, “Stratospheric Balloon” (University of Offenburg), which was turned into an interactive installation. There was also an information stand on the MobiMets (University of Freiburg), which were installed at various industrial locations in the course of 2022. The programm also included a creative parcour (by CCI Alsace Eurométropole & Météo France), thematically dealing with energy consumption in the cities and regions of north-eastern Switzerland, as well as the Landing Game (INSA Strasbourg & Unistra), inspired by the work of anthropologist Bruno Latour, which invites creative exchange between different target groups to show ways of adapting to climate change at the level of the Upper Rhine. The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland had also created posters on the topics “Reallabor” and “Stadtklimakonzept”.


Some impressions of the Industrial Night:

Dernières actualités


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